Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Joy Filled Basket

It is said, "Never get so busy in making a living that you forget to make a life." Yes friends, that is true. Our lives have become a rat race and people seldom get to spend some time with their own family. But have we ever pondered, what our lives will be without them. No right.. We get goosebumps simply by the thought of it!! So why not try for an inclusive growth in this, have we ever given it a thought?

If you guys haven't tried it out yet, then this would definitely give you a heads up. Start with this simple 'Joy filled Basket' card and win a thousand smiles. Follow the below guide and start winning hearts. :) ;)

This is a simple yet innovative handout. Try gifting it. :) 
So guys see you soon with another art piece till then keep crafting. Thank you. 